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User Reported Feedback

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Two-minute surveys are a quick and flexible tool you can use to include all of your business users and all of your market in your user research.

Article by Dmitri Khanine
Share:Two-Minute Interviews
9 min read

User research is an immensely valuable tool to improve an enterprise product’s user experience and business value.

Article by Rian van der Merwe
Share:5 Steps to Successful Enterprise UX Research
9 min read

In the Experience of Things, everything that we use and interact with in our daily lives is starting to build a computing mesh around us.

Article by Peter Eckert
Share:Embracing the Evolution Toward the Experience of Things
7 min read

We talk with UserZoom CEO Alfonso de la Nuez about the importance of user testing, how to recruit panelists, and why research is an inspiration.

Article by Gigi Peccolo
Share:In Conversation with Alfonso de la Nuez
6 min read

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